…the lips of the wise protect them. Proverbs 14:3b
In marriage the mouth matters! Sharp retorts or disrespectful words we all know can cause damage. But believing and holding fast to the belief that our husband/wife has goodwill towards us, even when we smart from something we think they’ve said, keeps everything calm and helps us to be slow to take offence.
Survey after survey tell us that married people are the healthiest and happiest people on earth…well, we are, if we’re real about our marriage and recognize that treating each other with kindness and respect energises our life together.
Prayer (as a couple)
Father God, We so often get it wrong. We so often forget that our male and female thinking is at the bottom of our misunderstandings. Help us never to forget the deep love and goodwill we have for each other. Amen
Prayer (for others)
We pray for …………………..help them to deepen their understanding of each other and to see the value of investing in their relationship. Amen
“In the Bible, marriage is the place where we learn.” John Ortberg