Stolen waters are sweet (because they are forbidden) and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knows not that the shades of the dead are there! Proverbs 9 v 17-18a
Keeping secrets from our partner is dangerous. However innocent a friendship seems, if we start to conceal or relish having secrets from our spouse it signals DANGER.
We often try to convince ourselves that we are doing nothing wrong but we are blind to the threat to our whole family as well as our own lives.
Summer and holidays sometimes offer temptations we don’t feel at other times. Times when we spend a few days apart can do the same.
Guard your life, guard your family! When might each of you be at risk of temptation? Pray about it together.
Prayer (as a couple)
Father God Our media presents different values from yours and we are sometimes seduced by the idea of secrets and lies. Lord deliver us from evil and help us protect our families from brokenness. Amen
Prayer (for others)
LORD we pray for our families and friends this summer. There will be temptations to overcome. Please deliver them from the evil of secrets and lies between them and help them find their delight in each other. Refresh their love and enable them to overcome barriers to growing closer together. Amen.
Final quote
Treasures of wickedness profit nothing; But righteousness delivers from death. Prov 10:2