Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it. Prov 18 v 21
Q. “What’s wrong with men?”
A. “Everything they say and everything they do”
We laugh because it’s a joke, but relationships come to grief when criticism becomes entrenched – one spouse can’t think of anything good about their partner who they promised to love and cherish. This is a sad state of affairs. The Accuser has taken control. However, it can be reversed with God’s help.
Seeing our spouse the way God does restores a warped perspective. If we ask Him, God will send His Holy Spirit into our hearts to “re-set the controls”.
Test the atmosphere in your home?
Prayer (as a couple)
Lord- search our hearts and show us if we are letting the accuser shape our attitudes to each other. With your light show us each other’s strengths and help us to show kindness in overlooking faults. Amen
Prayer (for others)
Lord God you are quick to forgive and forbearing towards us your children. During the holiday season help families in our locality (mention a few you know) grow in forgiveness and forbearance to one another. Amen
Final quote
Good sense makes a man (or woman). Proverbs 19 v 11