We work together as partners who belong to God. 1 Corinthians 3.9a (NLT)
These days we tend to associate the word Partner with co-habitating couples. However, partner is a lovely word describing working together/sharing responsibilities each with a ‘part’ to play. (Personally I like it much better than spouse!).
In business, often partners are formed when two people come together with different skills which complement each other.
That is what happens when we get married’ we come together with different skills which are complementary.
We ask you from time to time to look at what differences are complete you as a couple. Has anything changed?
Prayer (as a couple)
Father help us to realise the strength in being true partners in our marriage, each with our part to play in building a strong marriage working together, sharing responsibilities, complementing each other using our particular gifts and skills. Amen.
Prayer (for others)
Father, _____ and _____ are both individually very gifted people. Help them to realise the very real benefits there are in being true partners in their marriage, complimenting each other in every way. Amen