The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! … Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day … The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him. Lamentations 3:22-25
It’s halfway between Christmas and the New Year. The fridge is crammed with turkey remains, half consumed cheese and the tasty remnants of seasonal treats. The tree is starting to wilt (keep forgetting to water it!) and the decorations are sagging where the masking tape has given out. We are enjoying the air of relaxation and getting up later than usual. The year is definitely old!
For many this ‘deep midwinter’ period is one for new resolutions and the opportunity to make a fresh start. To be honest, most of the good intentions we set ourselves fade by about the second week of January but when we discover God’s agenda there is a far better chance of carrying on. He knows everything about the coming year and those that follow, and His unfailing love, faithfulness and mercies are there for us. He invites us to ask for what we need – forgiveness, strength and wisdom.
Perhaps we could take some time to be quiet and prayerful before God and then share our thoughts with our partner. We may make decisions that will change the way we live as he helps us to be determined, disciplined and dependent on His Spirit at work in us.
Prayer (as a couple)
Lord, as we come to the passing of this last year and the dawning of 2019, please show us Your will for us; how we should live as individuals, as a couple, among our family and friends and in the wider world. Place in our hearts a renewed hunger for Your Word, a new freedom in prayer – and in all that lies ahead let us be led by You. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer (for others)
Dear Father, we pray for _____ and _____; that in the coming year they will grow more and more in their relationship together with You. Please guide their thoughts and minds to focus on whatever You want for them in 2019; that it may come to pass according to Your loving and perfect will. Amen.