Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Corinthians 13:13.
A journalist who described herself as a ‘fully paid-up feminist’ recently wrote …
”A few days ago, I ironed all my husband’s shirts in a marathon session, just for the palpable frisson of knowing how happy it would make him not to have to press them himself for the next 15 or so mornings. I have come to realize that giving and accepting genuine kindness does not compromise or oppress me.
My darling grandparents demonstrated many years ago that extreme kindness brings its own rewards. Both had demanding jobs but my granddad made time to build and light a fire every morning so my nan never had to wake up to a cold house, and she, in turn, ensured his evening meal was ready when he arrived home. They each lived to make each other happy and never doubted that they were equals.”
Prayer (as a couple)
Father God, may we be ever mindful and grateful for the fact that today we have the opportunity to show love to one another. That it is in the small kindnesses that your Spirit is present to bless and build up our relationship. May we live to make each other happy. Amen
Prayer (for others)
We pray for………………………….that their relationship will be strengthened and that more love and care may flow between them. Amen
Final quote
“Equality is about accepting differences and generosity is the opposite of keeping score.” Angela Jackson