Home » ePrayer » Love is a verb

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  John 13.34


On Monday Tom was at a men’s curry night run by guys from the local church. With the help of video clips and personal stories the two speakers described how love involves action… love is a verb, not just a feeling. Then they went on to show how we can love our partners in a practical way using the excellent ‘5 Love Languages’ as a basis for action.

Tom has just been through a difficult relationship break up. Afterwards he said “If only I had known this stuff about love before…  things may have been different”.

When love is active it makes a difference, relationships blossom, people notice. God showed his love for us on the cross, how are we showing our love? Do others notice? Are you telling others?

Prayer (as a couple)

Dear Lord, We are so grateful that your love for us is active and alive. Help us to love each other your way. Help us not to be selfish but to know and meet each others needs. If it pleases you give us the opportunity to first demonstrate and then share the news that ‘love involves action’ with others, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prayer (for others)

Dear Lord, We are so grateful that your love for us is active and alive. Help _____ and _____  to love each other your way. Help them not to be selfish but to know and meet each others needs. If it pleases you give them the opportunity to first demonstrate and then share the news that ‘love involves action’ with others, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Final quote

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. (Mother Teresa)

‘The Five Love Languages’ is a book by Gary Chapman. ISBN 1-881273-15-6
