Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. Colossians 4:6 (MSG)
As lockdown continues, we are starting a series to help you with some areas in your marriage to ponder, discuss and pray about during this challenging time.
This week we are thinking about how we’re communicating with each other. Life under lockdown can be really difficult. Just getting our heads round what is going on has been challenging and we have up and down days. Some days we are enjoying the new routine, others we feel overwhelmed.
So in this season it’s really important to ask each other ‘how are you today’? It’s helped us take time to understand where each other is at and show empathy on a difficult day.
We’re trying (and not always succeeding!) to ensure that we are using helpful words to build each other up and not put each other down.
Prayer (as a couple)
Father, help us in this time to look out for each other and be open and honest about how we’re feeling. Amen
Prayer (for others)
Father we pray for our friends who are finding this season really challenging. We pray for patience and understanding for them. Amen
For more on this …
This ePrayer is based on a blog article by Andy & Fiona Banes, Exec Directors of Time for Marriage. You can read the full blog article here.