Home » ePrayer » Like a shrivelled prune?

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.  John 15


These words of Jesus are addressed to his followers – the church, but they are also relevant in our marriages. A couple, united in their love, draws energy and support from each other. Sometimes we can end up feeling shrivelled in the “hot sun” or withered by the “frost” of everyday living. Then we feel as if we have run out of resources for each other and everyone. Jesus reminds us to “remain in Him”. That way we receive life – spiritual vitality that can fortify every aspect of our lives. Where is the source of your life? Can you help each other re-connect consciously to Jesus the vine?

Prayer (as a couple)

Lord Jesus, thank you for giving us each other as helpmates. Please show us how to remain vitally connected to you so that we have your love for each other as well as our own emotional resources. Without you we are poor. Keep our love strong and resilient and enable us to reach out to others in our family, friends and colleagues. Amen

Prayer (for others)

Father, we pray for families in our street who are running out of their own resources of love and sympathy for each other. Lord, we need your resources. Show us how we can help and please send your Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus as the Light of the World and the Bread of Life.

Final quote

I’m taking Viagra and drinking prune juice – I don’t know if I’m coming or going. Rodney Dangerfield