Home » ePrayer » Joy to the World – Part 1

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.  John 15:11


It’s the season when the word Joy is bandied about everywhere and for some of us it IS a really joyful season … for others of us not so much.  For some of us it’s a time when we press into joyful family traditions and give thanks.  For others of us, we are heads down hoping we can survive perhaps turbulent family gatherings or the pressures of ‘getting everything right’ for Christmas.  

This season can bring joy to our marriage or can bring stress.  We will look at this a bit more in the next few weeks but for now, what is life like in your household are you ‘battening down the hatches’ or are you embracing advent together and enjoying making plans and thanking God in this season?

How about having a chat about your expectations of each other in the next few weeks?

Prayer as a couple

Share your conversation with God and ask his blessing on you in this season.

Prayer for others

Think of a couple who find this season difficult and ask God to be with them particularly.  Perhaps discuss something you could do to support them.

Final Quote

Let your joy be in your journey not in some distant goal.  Tim Cook