Rejoice always. Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 NIVUK
Being prayerful doesn’t mean always being serious or intense. My Mum and Dad often larked about and we children enjoyed it hugely. I suspect it did them good to forget for a moment all the serious concerns of family, work and church. Our lives need balance – if we enjoy moments of joy together, we will have a more positive perception of our lives.
What has made you both laugh recently?
Prayer (as a couple)
Father God. We can include you in our joy as well as our concerns. Last week we really enjoyed ……….(fill in the blank space). Please help us consciously enjoy the bright moments in our life together and to include you. You made a beautiful world and you enjoy your creation and you enjoy us as your children. Help us make your heart glad. Amen
Prayer (for others)
Father. We are thinking of ____ and ____ who are having a rather dark time at the moment. We pray that you will send them a moment of joy and laughter today, even though they have sadness and pain to deal with. Please help them to enjoy that moment together and may it also become a blessed memory to share for the future. Amen
Final Quote
“ A good laugh is sunshine in the house”. William Makepeace Thackeray