From him the whole body joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4: 16
I’ve just discovered that a long-standing friend of mine is experiencing great mental anguish and depression. Right now she even doubts her salvation.
“Looking at the Bible we see that it is full of real people living…challenging, often heartbreaking lives…Yet, we insist, that if we have the joy of the Lord we shouldn’t be depressed.” Katherine Welby
Yet the dark night of the soul has been experienced by many mature Christians. The acceptance, comfort, and maybe gentle challenge from a spouse, can often help bring them into the light again. Praying, just for 5 minutes, can be medicine to the other when they can’t pray themselves. Do we share each other’s hopes and fears?
Prayer (as a couple):
Father God, help us to be open and transparent with each other. To share worries and deeper fears. Help us to be worthy of trust. Amen.
Prayer (for others):
Pray for any friends who may be struggling with depression or mental illness. Pray for their families and the right medical support.
Final Quote:
True companions of the heart in fair or stormy weather.