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It was God who sent me ahead of you to preserve your lives.  Genesis 45:5

Joseph’s story – Genesis 37–50 (New Living Translation)


Do you know the Joseph story? It’s a fantastic story full of reversals.

God prepared Joseph to redeem his family from famine- not just his family but the whole region. But there was huge cost to Joseph. He experienced the shocking lonely reversal from the favoured son to the forgotten prisoner. His youth was consumed. Yet he emerged without bitterness.

He became the redeemer:

•for his family

•for thousands of Egyptians

•for the region

•for the future of Israel.

Read this story together.

God calls us to partner with Jesus in the cost of redemption. What is he showing you both about this?

Prayer (as a couple) 

Lord show how our circumstances might be used by you.

Help us stay with you whether our circumstances are favourable or painful and show us your love. We pray that you will teach us how to be partners with you in your redemption of our family, our colleagues, our region and the future of our nation. Amen

Prayer (for others)

Lord we pray for your church. We are called to share the sufferings of Jesus in order that his glory may be revealed to the world.  Open our eyes Lord to your vision for the church in our generation and help us not to refuse the pain and costs of redemption. Amen

Final Quote

But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. Genesis 39:21 (NLT)