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Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2


I know we’re ‘late to the party’ on this one but over Christmas we ‘binge’ watched our way through the last of the Netflix blockbuster The Crown.  Whether the facts are correct or not, there is no doubt that over the years the Queen and Prince Philip endured tough pressures in a very public arena.  We’re also sure that the Queen drew enormous strength from the unstinting support of Prince Phillip over the years.  

Most of us fortunately do not have our every move scrutinised (and dramatised!) in the same way but there will be times when the pressure builds in our lives and it might even start to feel like the whole world is against us.  At those times what an incredible difference it makes to know that there’s someone who is ‘for’ us irrespective of anything else that is going on – someone who publicly vowed that they’re committed to us ‘for better or worse’.

Ask your partner how you can best support them today.

Prayer (as a couple)

Father, we thank you that you have given us each other to support, encourage and give security to each other.  We pray for each other in any pressures that are apparent now in each of our lives.  Amen

Prayer (for others)

(as you think of another couple, perhaps you can pray specifically for the pressure they are under)

Father, we pray for _____ and _____.  Thank you that they also have that special person in their lives to whom they can truly belong.  Amen.


May those who love You be secure.  Psalm 122:6