Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
your strong right hand holds me securely.
Psalm 63:7, 8 (NLT)
One of the things that first attracted me to my husband was his strength, both physical and mental. He says that he liked my strong personality!
We’ve been married over thirty years now and come to realise that we are not really strong.
But we know one who is.
Our source of strength is definitely God. He is what we lean on. He is at the heart of our marriage. We cling to God.
We cling to Him as the source of our strength and security, when times are tough AND when we are in a good season. Having God at the heart of our marriage is also a joy.
This week we continue our prayerful exploration of psalm 63. Talk with your spouse about how God helps you in your marriage and what that means to you. Share your thoughts and pray together.
Prayer (as a couple)
Heavenly Father, thank you for what you mean to us. Bless you for being our helper, our strength and our security; as individuals and in our marriage. We pray that our souls might sing for joy as we cling to you and rest in the shadow of your wings. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Prayer (for others)
Heavenly Father, we pray for… and …. We pray that they would know you as helper in their lives and their marriage. We pray that they would find strength and security in you and your love. We ask that you would bring strength and security to them. And we ask that you would also bring new joy. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Final Quote
“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” Criss Jami