Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lam 3:21- 23
Last week I left my rucksack getting off the train in Nottingham. I was helping my daughter off the train with pram and tiny baby while keeping hold of 3 year old Lily. I felt very foolish! My loving husband took charge of the situation involving a train journey to Derby station lost property later that day. When we realised he might miss our homeward connection in Nottingham I prayed, rather hesitantly, for our train to be slightly delayed. Almost immediately there was a station announcement that the train driver had been delayed due to a fallen tree! Hence Rob was in time for our train, only held up about 10 minutes.
I was amazed that day. My husband showed his love by carrying my burdens. The Lord completed the circle of love for us by managing the train service!
Why would God bother with our intricate affairs? It’s because he loves us and wants us to know that prayer is not a weak option! We have a friend in high places! When were your prayers answered? Share together? Be encouraged and pray more.
Prayer (as a couple)
Lord you amaze us with your love. Help us remember that there is a fresh supply every morning. Help us share your love together as we pray together. Help us to remember your faithfulness. Amen
Prayer (for others)
Father show your mercy and love to _____ and _____ our neighbors today. In their journey to find you help them see you coming to meet them. May they have some really clear sightings of your power and love. Amen
Final quote
Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening. Mahatma Gandhi