Accept one another, then, for the glory of God, as Christ has accepted you. Romans 15:7 GNT
New Year New You? That’s what the world is shouting at me right now. The old year is out, the new one is in. We’ve had a break and now it’s time for a fresh start. January is also nick named ‘divorce month’ in legal circles with many couples deciding that their new change means ditching their spouse.
Sometimes in our desire to change things and start afresh, we can decide that our spouse is the one who needs to change most. All the things that we don’t like about them build up.
How about as the year starts making a resolution NOT to try to change each other but to accept our partner as they are. Let’s also make a resolution to focus on the good things about each other.
Spend some time now telling each other about the good qualities your spouse has.
Prayer (as a couple): Dear Lord, thank you for giving us each other. We’re sorry for the times we try & change each other. Help us to commit to focusing on the good qualities we have. Amen
Prayer (for others)
Father, we pray for _____ and _____ help them to see the good qualities in each other. Amen.
Final quote
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thes 5:11