Home » ePrayer » Love Your ‘Frenemies’

‘Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you’. Matthew 5:44 NKJV


These days generally we don’t tend to think of ourselves as having enemies but if we’re really honest we nearly all have the odd person who we don’t get on with or who just rub us up the wrong way. Dare we say it we might even have people we don’t actually like?

As a couple this can be tricky on all sorts of levels either where we gang up and fuel our mutual dislike of someone or the someone drives a wedge between us because one likes them and the other one doesn’t. And we haven’t even got started on in laws!

God actually calls us to love our ‘enemies’ and pray for them. Who is God bringing to your mind today through this ePrayer? Who could you pray for?

Prayer (as a couple)

Father God we want to pray for the people we’ve identified together as our ‘frenemies’ and ask your blessing on them. We pray that we will understand your love for them. Amen

Prayer (for others

Father God we pray for ____ and ____ who are upset about the way they have been treated by others. We ask your healing & comfort for them. Amen


‘Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.’ Mahatma Gandhi