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Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Don’t worry – I am not suggesting that you make fake thankful prayers through gritted teeth for difficult circumstances! God wants us to be real with him. However, it is healthy to develop a habit of thanking each other and God every day for good things.

Unfortunately humans remember bad things in ‘multicolour’ detail! It probably helps us to avoid mistakes and keeps us safe.  However, recalling the good times and being thankful, registers happiness in the soul – a good habit for promoting healthy emotions.

What can you thank your partner for today?

Is there something you thank God for together?

Prayer (as a couple)

Holy Spirit, please inspire us as we look again at our lives. Enable us to see the positive things we enjoy about each other but have stopped noticing. Help us develop patterns of gratitude in our daily living and especially remind us and inspire us to worship you with a grateful heart. Amen

Prayer (for others)

Lord, we thank you for our friends and colleagues. They give us so much joy and interest in our lives. Help us to find the words and the courage to verbalize our gratitude to those who share our lives. Amen
(call to mind the actions or characteristics you appreciate and thank God for them)
Discuss together how you can express your gratitude.

Final quote

“Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.”  Richelle E Goodrich