‘Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die and there I will be buried.’ Ruth 1:16,17
Although Ruth’s promise is not made to her husband but her mother-in-law, I imagine she repeated similar words to Boaz – the man who married her at the end of this wonderful story of people keeping their vows to one another.
Words can be very powerful, but unless they are backed up with action they may seem empty. In marriage, as our emotions ebb and flow, sometimes it is good to ask God to help us to express our love verbally and in deed. Marriage vows still count, however we feel, and they are practical, down-to-earth promises.
How could backing up your words with actions more look for you as a couple?
Prayer (as a couple)
O God, thank You for the promises we made to one another on our wedding day. Please help us to match our words of love with committed action, practical expression. Fill our hearts afresh by the power of Your spirit, deepen our love and help us to express it by word and deed. Amen.
Prayer (for others)
Father, we pray for ____ and ____ who seem to be finding it a challenge to love each other at this time. Strengthen their determination not to let anything come between them and help them to express through word and action their commitment to each other forever. We ask it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Let us seek express our love from sincere hearts, with kindness and patience.